Brunel Institute of Power Systems (BIPS) is an internationally recognised power systems research group based in BruneL University, London, UK. BIPS currently consists of five academic research and teaching staff, four research fellows, three research associates and over thirty PhD students.
In addition BIPS is currently coordinating a major collaborative pan-European FP7 funded R&D project entitled ‘High Performance Computing Technologies for Smart Distribution Network Operation (HiPerDNO)’. In addition we are also collaborating with the University of Oxford on a major UK EPSRC funded R&D ICT and Energy Smart Grids research project entitled ‘Advanced Dynamic Energy Pricing and Tariffs (ADEPT)’. BIPS is also collaborating on another major national RCUK funded project entitled ‘Scenarios for the development of smart grids in the UK’.
BIPS is also collaborating with National Grid in the UK on the following three smaller Smart Grid R&D projects concerning CIM adoption, PMU deployment and on-line stability analysis.
All of the above projects are associated with emerging ICT standards that are required for Smart Grid deployment, such as CIM and IEC61850.