IEES – Intelligent Electric Energy Systems – UNIGE-DINAEL (Department of Naval Architecture and Electrical Engineering) University of Genova

The IEES Lab operates in the following scientific and industrial sectors: Management and optimization of the electric system and of the energy and ancillary services markets. Power  system monitoring and preventive-corrective Control. Analysis, modeling and simulation of power system components and controls. Decision support systems and artificial intelligence (AI) applications to the planning and control of large power systems and industrial systems. Advanced technologies and methodologies for power systems protection. Electric distribution systems with distributed generation (DG). Innovative technologies  for electric power microgeneration. Real time load monitoring and management for consumption rationalization and energy saving. Systemistic and design aspects of lighting engineering and domotics.

Current Projects:

SmartGen leader SOFTECO, Genova, ENEL, University of Genova and Bologna, entitled: “Study, development and validation of innovative methods and tools for active distribution networks management with renewable energy sources”, supported by Ministero per lo sviluppo economico – (2011-2013) www.smartgen.it .

Project  FP7 AFTER “A Framework for electrical power sysTems vulnerability identification, dEfense and Restoration”, leader RSE Milano, 13 partners (RSE – Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico, ENEA, SINTEF EN, SINTEF ICT, University College Dublin, City University – London , ALSTOM Power, SIEMENS, Commission of the European Communities Joint Research Centre, ELIA, Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA, ČEPS, a.s.) (2011-2013).